Tuesday, August 13, 2019

2nd Grade Technology Resources

Below is a list of technology tools for parents or teachers that I find useful in the 2nd-grade classroom!

Better Lesson Website - Free learning website to get lesson plans or learning strategies.

Learn Zillion - Free learning website filled with learning videos, lesson plans, learning activities and worksheets.

Super Teacher Worksheets - Free worksheet for nonsubscription members, however for a fee you can have access to all worksheets on site.

Class Dojo - This tool can be used to update parents on any classroom updates, student concerns, homework updates, as well as test notifications.

Scholastic Word Workshop - Free website to make word wall cards, flashcards, labels, sentence strips, labels, and lists

Quizlet - Free learning website that allows you to review flashcards, play games and take quizzes. It also allows you to make your own interactive flashcards!

First in Math - Paid subscription to play math games.

Epic - Free reading website to read online books.

YouTube - Free learning tool that allows you to watch learning videos for free! Type in any 2nd-grade learning skill and see all the videos pop up! please make sure to watch this video to help you set up parental controls for safe viewing!

Education.com - Inexpensive yearly subscription for learning activities and games.


  1. Great list of websites. I use several of them myself and have found some to check out from your list. Thanks for posting.

  2. This is a great list! I have never used Class Dojo, do you find that it works well?

    1. Thank you! Yes, Class Dojo works great for me as it has an app that can notify me when a parents responds or reaches out about something.

  3. Great list of resources for students and parents to use. I have used some of these before and they are very helpful. I will have to check out the rest.

  4. I agree! This is a great list! Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like the Scholastic Word Workshop! I'm going to try it out later.

  6. Yes, the scholastic word workshop is nice!


Blogging Plan

This course has opened my eyes to how I can use blogging in the classroom. I was planning on blogging with my second graders this year ...