Sunday, July 28, 2019

Guest Blog: Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Guest Blogger: Dr. Gina Canceilliere, School Psychologist 

Dr. Carol Dweck studied the behavior of the minds of thousands of children and found that their belief about learning can contribute to their achievement. Though many believe that we are born with a certain aptitude, Dr. Dweck believes that with effort, practice, belief, encouragement, and mindset increase our neural growth. 

 Many strategies can help struggling students to develop a Growth Mindset:
  • Acknowledge and embrace imperfections - let your students know we all have strengths and weaknesses and this just means we need to put more effort into certain subjects. 
  • View Challenges as opportunities - These challenges help students become stronger and resistant. 
  • Replace the word 'failing' with the word 'learning' - Promote a warm and nurturing environment for students to struggle
  • Reward actions, not traits - Make sure to compliment students for effort not necessarily for just being smart
  • Explore the 'Power of Yet'- Let this be your class mantra, it lets students know that with time and effort they will learn
Recommended Books
The Growth Mindset Playbook: A Teacher's Guide to Promoting Student Success by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley: Discover best practices for helping all your students realize their potential, and achieve growth mindsets. Includes lesson plan templates and simple strategies for overcoming challenges.

Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch it, Shap it by JoAnn Deak, Ph.D.: teaches all the ways that the brain can develop exercise, just like the rest of our bodies, Educator and psychologist Dr. JoAnn Deak offers a fun and engaging introduction to the anatomy and functions of the brain that will empower each young reader to S-T-R-E-T-C-H and grow their fantastic, elastic brain!

[Steve Scott Show](2019, July 20)11 Growth Mindset Strategies-Destroy Your Fixed Mindset mentality!


  1. There seems to be strong quality research backing neuroplasticity. I wonder why the more I learn the less I seem to know? Is there a word for that in the ‘Growth Mindset? In my own experience I feel that my mind is stronger more ‘juiced’ over time. I come to realizations faster and with greater depth. Positivity helps. It’s debilitating having a spouse or relative denigrating your strongest accomplishments. Or, is it because I don’t smoke, drink, drug or abuse food? I wonder. I wonder.

    1. I'm not sure if their is a name for that...I would call it wisdom.

      I would imagine it is terrible to have someone criticizing your accomplishments is terrible...not sure about the other stuff?

  2. The Growth Mindset video was great! I think learning about success can assist the person who wants to become successful in life. Also, Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch it, Shape It made it easier to understand the brain.

    1. Yes, that book is great to read to students so they can relate to the topic!

  3. Growth mindset has definitely been something I have focused on with my students the last couple years. I have found that my students, who are highly capable tend to have a more fixed mindset. Learning tends to come easily to them so when something is difficult they sometimes give up and just think it's impossible. We talked a lot about the idea that you listed about challenges being opportunities.

    1. I agree that students who don't struggle take the learning process for granted. I also see this in my students with disabilities where they think because they have a disability they can't learn. I find the 'average' students have the best growth mindset.

  4. The power of yet is one of my favorite Carol Dweck ideas. Do you incorporate this into your classroom?


Blogging Plan

This course has opened my eyes to how I can use blogging in the classroom. I was planning on blogging with my second graders this year ...